This blog has been designed to share interesting materials with my secondary EFL students (14-17) but you are welcome if you also find it useful to improve your English.

Monday 28 January 2019

How to write an email

In this activity you are going to write an email to a friend telling him/her what people have told you since your last email. These are some of the things you have been told:
  • Your mother told you: "Don't arrive so late any more."
  • Your best friend said: "I want to travel to Madrid next week end."
  • The school director asked: "Are you going to go on a school trip with primary students?"
  • Your teacher said: "You have to study these contents this week."
Of course you can add more information in your email but include some of the ideas above.
Remember to include some of the following connectors:
  • first,
  • then /later (on) / next / after that
  • because / so
  • however / although
  • in spite of / despite
  • in my opinion
  • finally

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