This blog has been designed to share interesting materials with my secondary EFL students (14-17) but you are welcome if you also find it useful to improve your English.

Friday 1 December 2017

How to expand your vocabulary in English

These are some ideas about how to improve and expand your vocabulary in English or in any second language:
  1.  Read as much as possible. The more you read, the more words you will be exposed to. You can read anything as long as it is in English: graded books, magazines, websites about any topic that you might be interested in, etc. Wikipedia can be a great source of texts about the most diverse topics. Remember that you have the version in English and also one in Simple English, and also the app for your mobile phone.
  2. Keep a dictionary handy. Any dictionary, any format. On paper or online. Wordreference is a common one whose app you can use in your mobile. Thesaurus are an excellent type if you use a dicitonary when writing texts, they help you find similar words or phrases or even opposites.
  3. Keep a journal or small notebook to write down words as you come across them. Then revise them regularly to keep them alive.
  4. Learn a word every day. You can use your calendar, journal, or any other tool to expand your vocabulary steadily. The service Word of the Day will send you one word every day if you subscribe to it.
  5. Play some games. Word games can help you discover many new words and their meanings. You can choose traditional games (crosswords puzzles, anagrams,  word jumble, Scrabble, and Boggle. You can also try some online ones such as Duolingo's Tiny Cardsgames1, games 2British Council activitiesMany things flash activities, etc.
  6. However remember that listening to and speaking to people who speak English provides lots of exposure and usually results  in a greater vocabulary in the second language.

1 comment:

  1. The most effective way in my opinion is regular communication in English. With teachers, with other people. The ideal option is to study in a group in an online school
    Online lessons, the group is selected based on the level of English, so that the lessons will be productive and in a comfortable environment
